香槟华人基督教会 is a Christian Church in Champaign that is very popular among Chinese students and families with the University of Illinois. The language used is Mandarin typically with Cantonese translation.
宗教 / Religion |
Christian |
Subgroup (denomination, sect, etc.) |
位置 / Location |
1100 Broadmoor Dr., Champaign, 61821 |
電話 / Phone |
217-531-1860 |
网站 / Website |
http://www.champaignccc.org |
電郵 / Email |
champaignccc@gmail.com |
聚會時間 / Service times |
主日崇拜 : 周日 9:00 am - 10:25 am (Sunday Service) 成人主日學 : 周日 10:50 am - 11:50 am (Adult Sunday School) 兒童主日學 : 周日 9:00 am - 10:30 am (Children Sunday School) 禱告會 : 周三 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Wednesday Prayer Meeting) 教會團契 : 周五 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm (Friday Church Fellowship) |
Leader (pastor, imam, rabbi, teacher, etc.) |
Name(s) |
Established |
December 10, 1989 |
Wheelchair accessibility |