Best Buy 

2117 N Prospect Ave Champaign, IL 61822

Phone: 217-352-8883
Email GEO: 40.142494, -88.259209

92.2% of customers would recommend this store to a friend (380 of 412)



  • Windows Store

    Only at Best Buy, find the best of productivity and fun in the perfect device in the Windows Store. From Surface, to tablets, laptops and all-in-one computers, the Windows store has it all. Plus, enjoy all the expert service you need to get started.

  • Geek Squad Services

    Computer setup and services, plus home theater, and appliance. Schedule a time to drop-off or pick-up your repair.

  • Best Buy Mobile

    Get informed advice from noncommissioned mobile phone specialists.

  • Best Buy For Business

    In store, online, on the phone, or at your worksite, Best Buy is here to help you find the right products and technology solutions for your business.



  • Apple Shop

    Mac, iPod and more at this Apple store-within-a-store.

  • Electronics Recycling

    We offer electronics recycling at this and all other U.S. stores.

  • Samsung Experience Shop

    When you’re looking for the next level of customer service, expertise, and support you need for any Samsung mobile device, think Best Buy.

  • Car & GPS Installation Services

    Let the Geek Squad experts — we call them "Autotechs" — take the hassle out of installing your new car electronics, and have peace of mind it's done right. Schedule an appointment online.