As a multiracial group, CUCPJ has sought to expose and remedy racial and class inequities in a number of areas of life in the Champaign-Urbana community in Illinois. Since 2004, our action research regarding the criminal justice system has achieved many local gains and produced a large wealth of material on police accountability. These include critical histories we have connected to current cases of police abuse and the lack of transparency and accountability for police misconduct to help educate the public and advocate for victims and their families. Services we have provided to our community include our campaign against TASERs, support and referrals for families who have been the victims of police violence (including legal support and resources for two black activists charged for a "copwatch" program), reforming Champaign county jail in the wake of several inmate deaths, and the establishment of a legal fund.
Champaign-Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice website
Champaign-Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice Facebook group.