The District is governed by a Board of Education consisting of 7 members.  The Board's powers and duties include the authority to adopt, enforce, and monitor all policies for the management and governance of the District's schools.

Official action by Board members may only occur at a duly called and legally conducted meeting, at which a quorum is physically present.

Board members, as individuals, have no authority over school affairs, except as provided by law or as authorized by the Board.

Unit 4 Board of Education Policies, Section 2, 200 - District Governance.


Each Board member, before taking his or her seat on the Board, shall take the following oath of office. 

I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of member of the Board of Education of Champaign Community School District #4 , in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the laws of the State of Illinois, to the best of my ability. 

I further swear (or affirm) that: 

  • I shall respect taxpayer interests by serving as a faithful protector of the School district’s assets;
  • I shall encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my fellow Board members and others who seek a hearing before the Board, while respecting the privacy of students and employees; 
  • I shall recognize that a Board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a public Board meeting; and 
  • I shall abide by majority decisions of the Board, while retaining the right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive channels. 

Oath of Office

Champaign Unit 4 Schools

History of Board Members (needs to be verified and gaps filled in)

1910 Supt. Chas. H. Watts

1947 Supt. E. H. Mellon
D. L. Huxtable (P)
Olivetta Kelly

1948-1950 Supt. E. H. Mellon
W. E. Clegg (P)
Grace P. Jackson

1951-1952 Supt. E. H. Mellon
H. S. Dawson (P)
Grace P. Jackson

1953-1956 Supt. E. H. Mellon
H. S. Dawson (P)
E. A. Colbert

1957-1962 Supt. E. H. Mellon
H. S. Dawson (P)
John Faulkner

1963-1968 Supt. E. H. Mellon
Wm. Froom (P)
Ernest Colbert

1969-79 Supt. Marshall K. Berner

1989-1995 Supt. Tim Hyland

11/95 Supt. Tim Hyland
Don Nolen (P)
Nicole Storch
Scott Anderson
Mark Klaus
Chet Zych
Avis Barker
Duane Reed

11/97 Supt. Mike Cain
Don Nolen (P)
Margie Skirvin
Nicole Storch
Thom Moore
Scott Anderson
Mark Klaus
Avis Barker

11/99 Supt. Mike Cain
Mark Klaus (P)
Margie Skirvin
Nicole Storch
Thom Moore
Scott Anderson
Phil Van Ness
Jim Butler

11/01 Acting Supt. Carol Stack then Supt. Arthur Culver May/02
Scott Anderson (P)
Mark Klaus
Nicole Storch
Phil Van Ness
Jim Butler
Jeff Wampler
David Sholem

4/03 Supt. Arthur Culver
Margie Skirvin (P)
Scott Anderson
Nicole Storch
Jeff Wampler
David Sholem
Nathaniel Banks
Norm Lambert

4/05 Supt. Arthur Culver
Margie Skirvin (P)
Scott Anderson
Nicole Storch (passed away the summer of 2005, replaced with Minosca Alcantara)
Nathaniel Banks
Norm Lambert (passed away the summer of 2005, replaced with Reginald Alston)
David Tomlinson
Arlene Blank

4/07 Supt. Arthur Culver
David Tomlinson (P)
Arlene Blank
Nathaniel Banks
Greg Novak
Sue Grey
Scott McAdam
Kristine Chalifoux

4/09 Supt. Arthur Culver
David Tomlinson (P)
Greg Novak
Sue Grey
Scott McAdam
Kristine Chalifoux
Stig Lanesskog
Tommy Lockman

4/11 Supt. Arthur Culver - Judy Wiegand hired as Supt. in Jan 2012
Sue Grey (P)
David Tomlinson
Greg Novak
Jamar Brown
Kristine Chalifoux
Stig Lanesskog
Tommy Lockman​

3/12 Supt. Judy Wiegand
Sue Grey (P)
David Tomlinson
Ileana Saveley (Greg Novak passed away in March 2012)
Jamar Brown
Kristine Chalifoux
Stig Lanesskog
Tommy Lockman​

01/2013 Supt. Judy Wiegand - Sue Grey and Tom Lockman resign
Stig Lanesskog (P)
David Tomlinson
Ileana Saveley
Arlene Blank
Jamar Brown
Kristine Chalifoux
Phil Van Ness

05/2013 Supt. Judy Wiegand
Laurie Bonnett (Pres)
Lynn Stuckey (Par)
Stig Lanesskog
Ileana Saveley (S)
Jamar Brown (VP)
Kristine Chalifoux
Scott MacAdam

7/15/2013 Supt. Judy Wiegand - Stig Lanesskog resigns, Kerris Lee appointed
Laurie Bonnett (Pres)
Lynn Stuckey (Par)
Kerris Lee
Ileana Saveley (S)
Jamar Brown (VP)
Kristine Chalifoux
Scott MacAdam

2/13/2014 Supt. Judy Wiegand - Scott MacAdam resigns, John Bambenek appointed
Laurie Bonnett (Pres)
Lynn Stuckey (Par)
Kerris Lee
Ileana Saveley (S)
Jamar Brown (VP)
Kristine Chalifoux
John Bambenek

4/7/2015 Supt. Judy Wiegand - 5 new board members elected
Amy Armstrong (VP)
Laurie Bonnett
Chris Kloeppel (Pres)
Kathy Richards (S)
Kathy Shannon
Lynn Stuckey
Jonathan Westfield (Par)

2/1/2016 Supt. Judy Wiegand - Laurie Bonnett resigns, Gianina Baker appointed
Amy Armstrong (VP)
Gianina Baker
Chris Kloeppel (Pres)
Kathy Richards (S)
Kathy Shannon
Lynn Stuckey
Jonathan Westfield (Par)

4/4/2017 Superintendent Judy Wiegand (Susan Zola chosen to succeed Dr. Wiegand in July of 2017)
Amy Armstrong (VP)
Gianina Baker
Bruce Brown
Chris Kloeppel (Pres)
Kathy Richards (S)
Kathy Shannon
Heather Vazquez

4/9/2019 Superintendent Susan Zola
Amy Armstrong (Pres)
Gianina Baker (VP)
Bruce Brown
Chris Kloeppel (S)
Kathy Shannon
Elizabeth Sotiropoulos
Heather Vazquez

4/4/2023 Superintendent Sheila Boozer
Amy Armstrong (S)
Gianina Baker (Pres)
Bruce Brown
Betsy Holder
Jamar Brown (VP)
Mark Thies
Heather Vazquez (Par)


personal interviews
Patterson's American Education
Champaign County Clerk's website (election records)