Community Blood Services of Illinois  1408 W University Av  Urbana IL 61801 217-367-2202



Each year, thousands of patients just in our area need blood transfusions. If you are in good health and interested in becoming a blood donor, we encourage you to contact  217-367-2202 or 800-217-GIVE (4483).To learn about upcoming blood drives, visit CBSI's Facebook page or call. You can also donate at one of the Donating Centers. Donation hours are listed.

Blood Donation Is Safe:

  • A single-use sterile needle is used for each donation and then destroyed
  • The human body readily compensates for the donated blood volume
  • Donated blood is naturally replaced in one's body within a matter of weeks.

Blood Donation Is Convenient:

  • The complete process takes approximately 45 minutes (with the actual blood collection lasting 5-10 minutes);
  • Area blood donation sites (detailed below) are open early mornings, evenings, and on Saturday ... in addition to regular daytime hours.
  • Blood Drives are regularly held with numerous employment, educational, religious and community organizations throughout the blood center's service area.



Community Blood Services of Illinois (CBSI) is a nonprofit organization that supplied blood to critically ill and injured people since 1972. CBSI merged with Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center (MVRBC) in 2011 to serve more hospitals in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin. They hold membership in America's Blood Centers, the American Association of Blood Banks and participate in the National Marrow Donor Program

Hospitals Served

As a division of Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center, Community Blood Services of Illinois supplies all donated blood used to treat patients at the following hospitals:

Champaign-Urbana: - Carle Foundation Hospital
- Provena Covenant Medical Center
Charleston-Mattoon: - Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center
Danville: - Provena United Samaritans Medical Center
Effingham: - St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital

1972-- CBSI is founded

1978-- CBSI adopts the NovaNet system for donor record keeping

1996-- CBSI replaces NovaNet with BBCS, a blood bank management system

1999-- CBSI launches its website

2011-- CBSI merges with MVRBC in August

2011-- CBSI completes merger and system migration from BBCS to MVRBC System

This CU wiki entry began as a UIUC research project.  For more on that see Study of UC2B Anchor Institutions' Technology Use