Emery Scott, 1984

Emery Scott was born and raised on a farm in Urbana Township. In 1931 when he got married he moved to his own farm north-west of Thomasboro and worked there for the next twenty years. Then he moved into town and worked as a janitor for five years. "During my spare time I raised a big garden and when I wasn't working or doing that I loved to sleep. There are so many things I did and had to get done. I always enjoyed my boys' football games and track meets. That is if and when I could get away. One thing I'd have to say was when my son, Toni, played football against the Bloomington team and he scored two touchdowns and set up two touchdowns. He also made 17 tackles. Yes, I'm proud of my son. Now he works at DeKalb Research and coaches a softball team," Mr. Scott said in a 1984 interview. He acknowledged, "Time goes faster from winter to fall than it used to. Anymore it doesn't seem like it's spring before it's fall again. You pretty near have to go along with everything. Oh, I worry sometimes, mostly because my kids might get hurt - they're so active - but not much about myself. I get out and enjoy my family. Yeah, I'm gettin' older all the time. It's creeping up on me. But I am just about the same as I always was. I do the same things I used to enjoy, just not as often."

Source: Raymond Bial, There is a Season, Champaign County Nursing Home, 1984.