Mrs. Frederickson was born on a farm southwest of Armstrong, Illinois, in 1894. "Oh, I had so many occupations;' she said in 1984. "I taught school for six years before I got married. Then I raised the kids and lived on a farm. When I was about 53 we moved to town (Rankin), then about seven years later my husband died. Then I went to work for many years as a cook in a restaurant, then in a school. "I loved to work with flowers. They were always in my yard. My favorites were Blue Bells, Sweet Williams, Crocuses, Narcissus, and Apple Blossoms. "I also went to visit people when they were sick. Spent some time with them when they felt sad."
She raised three children (two girls and a boy). "I worked and saved my money to help each of them." She is especially proud of "my education - what little I've got. I enjoyed every bit of it and wished I could go further. "I was happy enough until I had this fall. That slowed me down and I can't hardly take it ."I keep thinking about when I get better. I'd like to settle down in a little place and enjoy myself. Just listen to the birds. I've got so many friends. I do have a lot of grandchildren to live for. I've got plenty of them - nine. Some great grandchildren too."
Source: Raymond Bial, There is a Season, Champaign County Nursing Home, 1984.