Illinois Departments and Courses
(as of Spring 2013)
Includes courses in gender studies.
Asian American Studies
AAS 215 US Citizenship Comparatively
African American Studies
AFRO 381 Black Women and Film
Curriculum and Instruction
CI 447 Iss Prac in Address Diversity
CMN 375Popular Media and Culture
CMN 429Race and the Mass Media
CMN 432Gender and Language
CMN 476Commercialism and the Public
ENGL 273American Cinema Since 1950
ENG 325Topics in LGBT Lit & Film
ENGL 378Fairy Tales & Gender Formation
Educational Policy Studies
EPS 536Race, Gender & Sexuality Issues
Gender and Women's Studies
GWS 202Sexualities
GWS 325 Lesbian/Queer Media Cultures
GWS 333 Memoir & Autobiography
GWS 337 Interrogating Masculinities
GWS 345Digital & Gender Cultures
GWS 350Feminist & Gender Theory
GWS 356Sex & Gender in Popular Media
GWS 365Gender & Technoscience
GWS 378Fairy Tales & Gender Formation
GWS 432Gender and Language
GWS 478Sex, Power and Politics
GWS 485The Politics of Fashion
GWS 498Senior Seminar
GWS 512Gender Relations & Intl Dev
GWS 580Queer Theories & Methods
Human and Community Development
HCD 539Youth, Culture and Society
HCD 571Gender Relations & Intl Dev
Human Development and Family Studies
HDFS 120Intro to Family Studies
HDFS 140Intro Gender & Women's Studies
HIST 286US Gender History Since 1877
INFO 345Digital & Gender Cultures
Landscape Architecture
LA 270Behavioral Factors in Design
Labor and Employment Relations
LER 320Gender, Race, Class and Work
LING 115Language and Culture in India
LING 432Gender and Language
Latina/Latino Studies
LLS 320Gender & Latina/o Migration
LLS 382Race and Migration in Chicago
LLS 387Race, Gender and the Body
LLS 410Writing Latina/o Chicago
Media and Cinema Studies
MACS 100Intro to Popular TV & Movies
MACS 345Digital & Gender Cultures
MACS 356Sex & Gender in Popular Media
MACS 464 Film Festivals
MUS 414Music and Society
PORT 334Brazilian Women's Lit Trans
PSYC 575Clinical/Community: Diversity
Recreation, Sport and Tourism
RST 330Leisure and Consumer Culture
SOC 130Intro Gender & Women's Studies
SOC 261Gender Transnatl Perspective
SOC 321Gender & Latina/o Migration
SOC 345Digital & Gender Cultures
SOC 387Race, Gender and the Body
Social Work
SOCW 300Diversity: Identities & Issues
SOCW 451HBSE I: Human Development
SOCW 552HBSE II: Mental Disorders
SPAN 316Latin American Literatures II
SPAN 326Cultural Studies Americas II
Special Education
SPED 413New Media &Learner Differences
UP 260Social Inequality and Planning
Illinois Faculty Interested In Queer Issues
Richard T. Rodriguez. Latino/Latina Studies, English, Gender and Women's Studies
Mimi Thi Nguyen. Asian American Studies, Gender and Women's Studies
- Research interests: Mimi Nguyen continues to understand her scholarship through the frame of transnational feminist cultural studies, and in particular as an untangling of the liberal way of war that pledges “aid,” freedom, rights, movement, and other social goods, with her following project on the obligations of beauty.
Siobhan Somerville. Gender and Women's Studies, African American Studies, English, Ethnography of the University
Stephanie Foote
Chris Mayo
C. Cole
Lisa Marie Cacho. Latina/Latino Studies, Asian American Studies, English
- Research interests: Lisa Cacho's scholarship interrogates the ways in which human value is both ascribed and denied relationally along racial, gendered, sexual, national, and spatial lines.
Martin Manalansan
Ruth Nicole Brown, Gender and Women's Studies, African Studies, Educational Policy Studies
- Research Interests: Through her extensive training in art-based methodologies, Dr. Brown’s research is interdisciplinary. As a writer, she produces plays, performance texts, photo-performance exhibits, books, and journal articles to document the lived experiences of Black girls in the United States and abroad, to resist the wave of conservative trends inherent in current educational policies and to humanize the experiences of disenfranchised people.
Rae-Anne Montague, Library and Information Science
Christine Jenkins, Library and Information Science
- Research Interests: History of children's literature; history of youth services librarianship as women's history; historical and contemporary censorship and intellectual freedom; young adult literature; representations of minority-status groups in children's and young adult literature; reading engagement; reader-response research; reader-text interaction.
Bonnie Mak, Library and Information Science
- Research Interests: The interpenetration of manuscript, print, and digital cultures; the cultural production and circulation of knowledge; palaeography and diplomatics; manuscript studies; book history; medieval and early modern collecting; history of archives and libraries.
Emily Knox, Library and Information Science
- Research Interests: Intellectual freedom and censorship, book history and reading practices, and information ethics and policy.