Social Groups
For Youth
Play it UP
- Play it UP provides local middle and high school LGBTQA-identified youth a safe and supportive environment in which to have fun, gain support, and make new friends. The social group meets every other Thursday from 6:30-7:30 at The UP Center to socialize and plan social events such as movie nights, bowling, and dances. Dinner and snacks are also provided at social group meetings!
- Centennial High School GSA
- Central High School GSA
- Urbana High School GSA
For Adults
Amasong is an award-winning amateur chorus with an enthusiastic local following. We perform folkloric, women-oriented, and classical music. This year we are celebrating 18 years of singing.
Amasong provides an opportunity for lesbians and feminist women to gather together in the pursuit of choral excellence.
Amasong's repertoire draws most heavily upon folk music from various world traditions, music written by women, and other music reflecting women's experiences.
Amasong accepts women at varying levels of experience and ability.
Read UP
- Read up is an LBGTQA book club. We meet once/month, on a Sunday. Members take turns picking the books. You don't need to finish the book to attend.
For College Students
University of Illinois
- University of Illinois LGBT Resource Center (LGBTRC)
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
- Building Bridges: An LGBT and Allies Christian Group
- Infusions: A Multicultural Gender and Sexuality Alliance
PRIDE: A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans Social and Activist Organization
- The Gay Liberation Front was founded as a campus group in 1972. It went through many name changes such as Gay Illini, Lesbian and Gay Illini, and today's iteration is known as PRIDE.
- Women of PRIDE
- Ikenberry Rainbow Connection
- Queer Library Alliance - UIUC iSchool
- Parkland College
Support Groups
For Youth
- East-Central Safe School Alliance (e-CISSA)
Families Group
- The UP Center has a Families Group that focuses on the specific needs of LGBTQA parents and children. This group provides separate programming opportunities for children of LGBTQA parents, LQBTQA parents, and the family.
Talk it UP
- Talk it UP is a group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and/or questioning, and ally middle and high school youth in east-Central Illinois. Talk it UP is a peer-led, adult-supported group, operated through The UP Center. Adult facilitators include the UP Center Youth Coordinator, the UP Center youth co-chair, and a community member trained in working with vulnerable youth. The youth seat on the UP Board of Directors also assists in facilitating the group. Topics for the youth group are decided by the youth present but often include dating, coming out, bullying, coping with homophobia, and many others. Snacks are provided at each meeting. Information shared at Talk it UP is strictly confidential, including youth's presence at the meetings.
For Adults
Bi Mix UP
- The UP Center has started an ongoing adult support/social group for members of the community who identify as bisexual or bi-questioning. Topics to include dating, navigating relationships as bisexuals, coming out, and bi-phobia.
BLEND (Building Local EthNic Dialogue) UP!
- A discussion group for same gender loving people of color in the Urbana-Champaign community! We welcome men, women, and transgender folks of all identities to join us. For young adults and adults (ages 18 and up). Discussion topics include: Family, Relationships, School, Work, and Defining yourself.
Families Group
- The UP Center has a Families Group that focuses on the specific needs of LGBTQA parents and children. This group provides separate programming opportunities for children of LGBTQA parents, LQBTQA parents, and the family.
Gal UP
- Gal Up is an LGBTQA social/ support group in which women come together in a relaxed, safe environment to discuss various aspects of our daily lives, such as family, dating, career, and networking within our community, just to name a few. We meet from 6:00-7:30pm on the fourth Wednesday of each month at The Up Center in Urbana, Illinois. In between meetings we often get together socially for dinner, movies, Illini softball, coffee, board games, Roller Derby, etc. This group is geared toward ages 21 and older.
Man UP
- This a peer-facilitated group for GBTQ men. We meet every Tuesday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. On the first and third Tuesdays of the month, the group meets in a peer support setting with focused discussions on topics such as the coming out process, developing friendships within the community, dating, and more. On the second Tuesday of the month, the group meets in a social setting for casual discussion, games, and more. On the last Tuesday of the month, a movie is shown with a discussion that follows. This group is geared towards adult men ages 18 and up.
Trans UP
Trans UP is a support and social group for members of the transgender community to come together in a safe space to discuss our lives and socialize. Topics for discussion can relate to the coming out process, transitioning, becoming comfortable with ourselves, and living as a trans person in general society, dating, and more -- all while developing friendships and networking within the community! The group maintains a more casual atmosphere where conversation will flow freely as directed by the members who are present. Private changing room available adjacent to meeting space. Privacy and confidentiality respected and appreciated. This group meets the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at The UP Center. The first Wednesday of the month is geared towards support and discussion for members of the transgender community only. The third Wednesday is geared towards support and discussion for members of the transgender community, allies, family, and supporters.
Wise UP
Wise UP is an educational series of workshops focusing on a variety of topics impacting the queer and ally community. Have an idea for a workshop or would like to present based on your own subject matter expertise? Contact us! We're always looking for opportunities to educate our community.
Health Concerns