Octavia Cole worked at White Line Laundry, Magnavox, Francis Nelson Health Center, Eisner Bakery and Sears. Mrs. Cole's community service accomplishments included membership in Church Women United; NCNW, Urban League Guild (former President), NAACP, Champaign County Cooperative Extension Home-Makers (Mary Bethune Unit) where she had recruited and mentored many young women, 4-H Leader, Cub Scout Leader, Champaign County Election Judge, Sunday School SuperintendentiDirector, Sunday School teacher, Deaconess and Choir member. She had for many years been a Mt. Olive Baptist Church delegate to the Wood
River District Association, Baptist General State Congress of Illinois and National Baptist Convention.
She was a charter member of the National Council of Negro Women, Champaign County section.
Source: National Council of Negro Women, Charter Members Remembered, 2008