Here is a list of websites in addition to CU Wiki that create a broad-range of local information:
- Chambanamoms Geared towards families, especially those new to the C-U area.
- Champaign-Urbana Wiki - Champaign-Urbana Wikispot wiki
- the 217 a local site to find out whats happening in the area
- CU Citizen Access online news and information project focusing on social, justice and economic issues in east central Illinois.
- eBlackCU a project to collect current and historical information about the African American community in CU
- Noshfolio local restaurant guide
- daily illini newspaper's homepage
- Illinois Home Page local news, events, restaurant deals and more
- Smile Politely CU's online magazine
- ExploreCU
- University of Illinois's Champaign-Urbana Community