The following support groups for people with cognitive and learning differences exist in the Champaign-Urbana area:
Asperger support and networking group for caregivers
Additional information at:
In affiliation with The Autism Program (TAP)
Meets the first Friday of every month from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Location: Christopher Hall 904 W. Nevada, Urbana, IL Bring your lunch and drop in at TAP once a month to share experiences, gain insight and understanding from others who share the Asperger life!
Contact: Linda Tortorelli
Phone: (217) 244-0928
Rantoul Autism Support Group
Meets the second Monday of every month, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Location: Public Library, 106 West Flessner Ave, Rantoul, IL (map)
Description: Support and networking group for family members & caregivers of a child on the autism spectrum and interested professionals. Learn to live in a world with autism. Lean on those who share the burden. Live to make the world a better place (educate the community, make it more accessible).
Contact 1: Keith Bufford, Coordinator, at 217-390-9932 or
Contact 2: Lara Christensen, Secretary, at
Contact 3: Sheila Krein, TAP Parent Liaison, at or 217-306-6751.