City College of San Francisco (CCSF) was founded in 1935 and serves the residents of the Bay Area. It is one of the largest public colleges in the country (79,000 students!!!).
It is home to a Diego Rivera mural entitled “Unión de la Expresión Artistica del Norte y Sur de este Continente” (The Marriage of the Artistic Expression of the North and of the South on this Continent).
CCSF is in the middle of an accreditation crisis. There's a good background of the issue on Wikipedia.
Although it looked as if the college might lose its accreditation on July 31st, 2014 (Here's a PDF of the letter revoking accreditation), it looks like they've received federal approval for a new compliance plan that will give the college two more years to comply with the standards of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (the body that determines whether a college should be accredited).
In Aug, 2014, it came out that none of the 15 members of the ACCJC team that evaluated CCSF in 2012 recommended that it lose its accreditation. Actually, the “fifteen members of the evaluation team recommended to the Commission that it impose probation … with a follow-up report and a visit in one year.” [source] Nonetheless, ACCJC voted to remove accreditation. There is now a lawsuit. See this article for more info.