Gavin Christopher Newson (born October 10, 1967), is an American politician and businessman. He was the 42nd mayor of San Francisco, California, from from 2004 to 2011; the 49th Lieutenant Governor of California, from 2011 to 2019 (under Jerry Brown); and the 40th Governor of California since 2019.
Gavin Newsom is a 4th-generation San Franciscan. Newsom's first political experience came when he volunteered for Willie Brown's campaign for mayor in 1995, which he won.
Newson is a member of the Democratic party and ran for re-election in 2007 and won in 2008.By 2010, he left office early, continuing what seems an "it's all about me" lifetime pattern of lack of commitment to or concern about others by running for Lt. Governor while still SF Mayor (he won). This is after predatorily poaching the wife of a "friend" for himself (she was his secretary), a famous scandal, generating gargantuan news coverage in all media. His malignant narcissism seems straight out of M. Scott Peck M.D.'s legendary cautionary tome "People of the Lie." (Peck tersely defines evil as "militant ignorance." Newsom's ignorance of the malevolent impact of his life as he inflicts it upon others is as childlike as it is astonishing. He continues to be a genuine menace to society.) Now-Mayor Ed Lee was chosen by Newsom to complete his term. Lee then won to become 43rd mayor of San Francisco.
- "People of the Lie," M. Scott Peck M.D.
See also
- Care Not Cash - a 2002 voter initiative sponsored by (then supervisor) Newsom. In practice, once passed, it predictably destroyed many lives. This continued the "it's all about me" life-pattern of lack of commitment to or concern about others by crippling any homeless person's ability to claw their way back up to a normal life, after Newsom and his ilk continued to kick them while they were down. (The entire "Homeless System" in SF under Newsom, and continued under Mayor Ed Lee, is nothing but a ferociously brutal fiasco of incompetence and destruction. It's clearly modeled on a prison system, as cheap as possible, and in no way considers attempting to restore decent people back to their former decent lives.) Again, Newsom's "Mr. Magoo-like" cluelessness of the malevolent impact of his crazy thoughts and desires upon others is as childlike as it is astonishing. An "affable, consummate politician" (read: liar), he easily conned mainstream voters that Care Not Cash was "good for the bums" (no doubt how he thinks of crippling any decent man, forced into homelessness due to the well-known lack of jobs following the 2008 housing melt-down and unemployment -- for which Newsom, of course, would never blame himself), as this writer knows from directly speaking to crazy Newsom when he was SF Mayor about homeless issues while being homeless.
- Same-sex marriage - in 2004 Newsom began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples on Valentine's Day.