- 29 Gay Avenue SE (gr)
- Abraham Lincoln (bust) (oakland)
- Adelaide Hills International Sculpture Symposium (adelaide-hills)
- American Steel Studios (oakland)
- "Anansi" Sculpture (oakland)
- Ann Arbor Eagle (ann-arbor)
- Ann Klefstad (duluth)
- Arbor Sapientiae (ann-arbor)
- Barbara Anderson Sculpture (wgtn)
- Beal Books (ann-arbor)
- "Bear Nursing Cubs" sculpture (oakland)
- "Big Peace IV" sculpture (oakland)
- Bookends (kitchener)
- "Cheemah" Sculpture (oakland)
- Dancing Trout Fountain (chico)
- Diamond Alley Arches (chico)
- Duplex Cone (oakland)
- Felch Park (ann-arbor)
- Francis Hamilton Memorial Fountain (ann-arbor)
- Gator Spirit Statue (sfsu)
- Gross Road (ann-arbor)
- Heysen Sculpture Biennial - Hahndorf (adelaide-hills)
- Jack London (bust) (oakland)
- Jack's Got Your Back (toronto)
- Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion (cu)
- Latham Fountain (oakland)
- Let's Rock (chico)
- Lorado Taft (cu)
- Magnolia Street wooden animal sculptures (oakland)
- Martin Luther King Park (chico)
- "Mid-Century Monster" sculpture (oakland)
- Moments (kitchener)
- Mother Peace (oakland)
- NC Botanical Garden (ch)
- Nydia (ann-arbor)
- Our Hands (chico)
- Palmer Sculpture Landscape (adelaide-hills)
- Performance Machine, O's No. 2 (chico)
- PG&E Mission Substation (sf)
- Prayerflags (kitchener)
- Protecting the Memory (kitchener)
- Pumas (ann-arbor)
- Raoul Wallenberg Plaza (ann-arbor)
- Relocation and Transformation of Memory (kitchener)
- Remember Them: Champions For Humanity Monument (oakland)
- Reservoir Canyon Sculpture Meadow (slo)
- Riverwalk Sailboat Sculpture (ftl)
- Robert Emmet (sf)
- Rotary Nature Center Totem Pole (oakland)
- Sculpture in the Adelaide Hills (adelaide-hills)
- Sculpture Plaza Park (ann-arbor)
- Shang (ann-arbor)
- "Sigame" Sculpture (oakland)
- Soaring Star (chico)
- Spirit Flags (chico)
- Statue of Joaquin Miller (oakland)
- Sun Obelisk (toledo)
- Temescal Obelisk (oakland)
- The Art Institute Lions (chicago)
- The Cakeland (oakland)
- The Catfish (chico)
- The Cube (ann-arbor)
- The Flame of Wisdom (ann-arbor)
- The Gathering Tree (kitchener)
- "There" Sculpture (oakland)
- The Silver Plow (chico)
- Tilted Donut with S (ann-arbor)
- Token of Sister City Affiliation (chico)
- Tower of Snow (miami)
- "Tragamon" Sculpture (oakland)
- Transit Center Waves (chico)
- "Two Red Lines II" sculpture (oakland)
- "Unity" Sculpture (oakland)
- Uptown ArtPark (oakland)
- "Vitality" Sculpture (oakland)
- Wave Field (ann-arbor)