NWNUG is the Northwest Ohio .NET User Group. It promote learning, share enthusiasm, provide a forum for discussion regarding Microsoft’s .NET technology.
- Website: http://nwnug.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/nwnug
NWNUG usually has monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of every month at 6PM in the HCR Manorcare building.
September, 2011 was the 10th anniversary of the group.
2012 Recap
- January: Dennis Burton, Single page web apps using node.js and Windows Azure
- February: Jeff Fansler, How to Become a Windows Phone Ninja
- March: Jennifer Marsman, The Windows 8 platform for Metro style apps
- April: Jason Follas, Quantum Entanglement for your Web Apps using SignalR and Knockout
- May: Jeff Griffin, Exploring the possibilities of the Roslyn CTP
- June: Gael Fraiteur, An Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming with PostSharp
- July: Chris Marinos, F# and Functional Programming for C# Developers
- August: Jamie Wright, Rails for the .NET Developer
- September: Jason Follas, Custom Graphics for Your Web Application: The HTML5 Canvas and Kinetic.js
- October: Jimmy Bogard, Functional Testing with ASP.NET MVC
- November: Mitul Suthar, Kinect Programming using Kinect for Windows SDK
- December: 2nd annual Geek Dinner Holiday Mixer aka End of the World Geek Dinner
2011 Recap
- January: Gary Short, Data Mining the Social Web
- February: Dan Moyer, An Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch
- March: Mike Amundsen, Programming the Cloud with HTTP/REST
- April: Randy Pagels, Visual Studio 2010 Diagnostics and Analysis Tools to Improve Software Quality
- May: David Giard, Introduction to Microsoft Workflow Foundation
- June: Brian Genisio, Cross Training in Silverlight and Flex
- July: Geek Dinner
- August: Don Miller, Tools and Shenanigans of the Independent Developer
- September: Richard Campbell, The Scaling Habits of ASP.NET Applications
- October: Jay Harris, The Geek's Guide to SEO
- November: David Giard, Effective Data Visualization
- December: Geek Dinner
2010 Recap
- January: Gary Short, Credit Crunch Code - Time to Pay Back the Technical Debt
- February: Jay Harris, ASP.NET MVC 2
- March: Jennifer Marsman, Lap Around PDC 2009
- April: Jeff Blankenburg, Mix 2010: An Overview
- May: Jeff McWherter, Testing ASP.NET Web Applications (Accessibility and Security Edition)
- June: Dennis Burton, MongoDB
- July: Bill Wagner, Real World C#
- August: Len Smith, JavaScript is Real Code: SOLID and TDD in the Browser
- September: Sam Nasr, Writing Secure Code
- October: Jeff Fansler, Windows Phone 7 Was My Idea
- November: Chris Woodruff, OData
- December: Geek Dinner
2009 Recap
- January: Jay Harris, Continuous Integration: It's more than just a toolset
- February: Brian H. Prince, Computing in the Clouds
- March: Jason Follas, Virtual Earth
- April: Dennis Burton, Test Driven is Driving Me Insane!
- May: Jamie Wright, Introduction to jQuery
- June: Martin Shoemaker, Kinda Easy, Kinda Hard: A WinForms programmer looks at WPF
- July: Wren/Woelmer, A Bazaar Intro to Distributed Version Control
- August: Philip Japikse, Stop Writing Crud! NHibernate to the Rescue
- September: Michael Eaton, Improving our craft: A discussion on software estimation
- October: Open Space Discussions
- December: Geek Dinner
2008 Recap
- January: New Stuff in SQL Server 2008; Agile Development
- February: Michael Eaton, An Introduction to Castle ActiveRecord
- April: Brian Prince, Soft Skillz - They aren't just for humans anymore
- May: Here Comes IronPython
- June: Steven Smith, Black Belt ASP.NET Performance Techniques
- July: Jeffrey Blankenburg, Cool Microsoft Stuff: The Technologies You Have To Try
- August: Ryan Lanciaux, Building Web Applications with the Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Framework
- September: David Giard, MEF and Velocity
- October: Wally McClure, All about the UpdatePanel
- November: Open Mic Night
2007 Recap
- January: Dustin Campbell, Getting Back to the Basics - Writing Quality Code
- February: Ken Kutz & Reuben Ahmed, Code-Generating DotNetNuke Modules That Utilize ASP.NET AJAX
- March: Jamie Wright, CSLA.NET 2.0
- April: Randy Pagels, One Version of Truth using "Data Dude"
- May: Josh Holmes, Microsoft Silverlight
- June: Scott Cate, Model View Presenter Design Pattern with ASP.NET
- August: Jason Follas, Exploit the XML Capabilities of SQL Server 2005
- September: Jay R. Wren, Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
- October: Dustin Campbell, Functional C#
- November: Greg Huber, Windows XNA
2006 Recap
- January: Bill Wagner, Generics in the C# language
- February: Jason Follas & Greg Huber, Media Center 2005
- March: Dustin Campbell, DXCore
- April: David White, So you want to build your own Windows Mobile platform?
- May: David Donaldson, Tools For Writing Better Code
- June: Sam Gentile, Service-Oriented Architecture with WCF
- July: Brian Prince, Windows Workflow Foundation and BizTalk Server 2006
- August: Tim Landgrave, Composable Systems - The Developer's Toolkit
- September: Greg Huber, Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
- October: Drew Robbins, Windows Presentation Foundation ("Avalon")
- November: Mike Amundsen, MSMQ Triggers
2005 Recap
- January: Greg Huber, Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
- February: Ken Kutz, Agile Software Development
- March: Cem Demircioglu, Reporting Services (RS)
- April: Pub Club Meeting
- June: Joseph Poirier, Shifting Gears With C# & TSQL
- July: Drew Robbins, Visual Studio 2005
- August: Jason Follas, T-SQL and SQLCLR functionality in SQL 2005
- September: Greg Huber, XML and Xpath
- October: Josh Holmes, Data binding and caching options in ASP.NET
- November: John Hopkins, VS.NET 2005
2004 Recap
- January: Jonathan Cogley, unit testing
- February: Aaron Weiker, Microsoft SQL Reporting Service
- March: Drew Robbins, ASP.NET Whidbey
- April: John Mason, best practices for developers
- June: Patrick Santry, DotNetNuke
- July: Greg Huber, WSE 2.0 (Web Service Extensions)
- August: Paul Litwin, Hacked: Understanding and Preventing Web Site Attacks
- September: Alex Lowe, ADO.NET 2.0 and ASP.NET 2.0
- October: Greg Huber, How to Leverage MSMQ in .NET Applications
2003 Recap
- October: Quizzard
- December: Alex Lowe, upcoming version of .NET- Whidbey
Historians can mine the NWNUG mailing list.