What do you know about North End Downtown? 1955 - 1965 grew up there. It was a ball. Taystee bakery, boys throwing loafs of bread into the end take fan. Tiedtke's.! The number one store in Toldeo for years. Worked in the Stationary Dept. Even modeled New Winter coats, one year. That huge round block of cheese at Christmas. Riding the elevator to the toy floor at Christmas. The great food they had in the Dining area. The two main movie houses, can't remember either name right now, but I will. F.W. Woolworths, S.S. Kresges, Walgreens, The Lion Store and Osterman's Jewelers. Fantastic memories of times gone by. Riverside Park and Pool. Teen Town on Friday nights. I loved to dance wouldn't miss that Friday dance for anything.. More to come.