The Pythian Castle was built in the late 19th century by the Sixth Regiment, Uniform Rank of the Knights of Pythias (the Grand Lodge of Ohio, Ohio Brigade). Before this the members of the twelve Toledo-based lodges in several different locations. [1]
Odd Fellows' Hall, corner of Jefferson and Erie streets.
- Anthony Wayne Lodge, No. 141.
Damon Hall, corner of Summit and Adams streets.
- Charles Sumner Lodge, No. 137.
- Concord Lodge, No. 149.
- Custer Division, No. 49, Uniformed Rank
- Miami Division, No. 35, Uniformed Rank
Pythian Hall, corner of Summit and Monroe Streets.
- Endowment Rank, Section No. 277.
Friendship Hall, corner of Summit and Jefferson streets.
- Harrison Lodge, No. 185.
- Toledo Lodge, No. 20.
- William Tell Lodge, No. 105.
Goulden's Hall, Dorr street.
- Lucas Lodge, No. 146.
Kellogg Hall, Milburn House, Monroe street.
- Steedman Lodge, No. 208.
Druid Hall.
- Toledo Division, No. 16, Uniformed Rank.
When the building was completed, it became the headquarters of the Sixth Regiment. The lodges meeting places were centralized to the Pythian Castle.
Post-Pythian History.
In the 1960s the building became home to two music stores: Bleckner Music Co. (seller of sheet music and instruments) and Fisher Music (seller of concert band instruments and instrument repair). [2]
External Links.
[1] " Secret Societies, Knights of Pythias, " Toledo City Directory for 1889-90, Google Books (Online: Google, 18 DEC 2008) [Original: Bound Hardcover R. L. POLK & CO. 1889], pg(s). 95, <>, accessed on 14 NOV 2012.
[2] Toledo and Vicinity Telephone Directory. AUGUST 1960. Ohio: the Ohio Bell telephone company.