Samuel Milton Jones - Golden Rule Jones - was the mayor of Toledo from 1897-1904. 

Golden Rule was ranked the 5th Best Mayor in the history of the United States by Melvin G. Holli in his 1999 book The American Mayor - The Best and The Worst Big-City Leaders.

Jones was a strong proponent of urban playgrounds.  Golden Rule donated the vacant land next to his factory, which became Golden Rule Park.

Golden Rule published Letters of Labor and Love (available for free on Google Play Books), a book of letters he wrote to his employees in the year 1900.



"Golden Rule Jones: Mayor of Toledo", Ernest Howard Crosby, 1906.

"Unorthodox "Golden Rule" Jones: Crusader and Scientific Reformer", Marcia Carolyn Kaptur, 1968.  (available at Toledo Main Library)

"Samuel M. Jones", Ohio History Central, July 1, 2005,

A forum discussion on urban playgrounds listing the academic research on Golden Rule.