One of the many paths located in Wildwood.
Taken one summer day by Mr. C. Eichenberg.


Wildwood is the former family estate of a local automotive executive Robert A. Stranahan Sr. Metroparks purchased the estate grounds, including the family home, in the 1970s. The prairie community at Wildwood is home to many diverse and fascinating plants and animals, providing them with critical habitat throughout the year. In spring, it is an essential breeding site for ground-nesting birds such as rufous-sided towhees, field sparrows and American woodcock. Summer brings a spectacular display of prairie wildflowers and grasses, such as rough blazing star, big bluestem and Indian grasses, some reaching 10 feet high.


Park open 7 a.m. until dark every day

Metz Visitors Center: Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. 

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